Curated by dedicated volunteers of the Asian Mentoring Committee (AMC) and representatives of Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC (BBBS of NYC), this signature fundraising event is a Night Market themed gathering, celebrating local flavors and cuisines, while raising funds to support the mission of BBBS of NYC.

This year, the event will be held virtually on Thursday, November 12 at 8:00pm EST on and showcase amazing young talent from a variety of backgrounds.  They'll perform music, magic, comedy and more.  Register for updates as talent is announced.  

Given the climate of COVID-19, many of our long-standing partners are struggling; having been financial impacted to the point of near-closure.  Support our vendors and local small businesses here

How to Volunteer: 

Ever consider becoming a Big? BBBS of NYC is actively recruiting Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese speaking volunteers to support youth in our New American Program. Fill out this interest form to take the first steps towards becoming a mentoring and supporting NYC's future leaders.